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, by Caroline Criado Perez
Get Free Ebook , by Caroline Criado Perez
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Product details
File Size: 1585 KB
Print Length: 436 pages
Publisher: Abrams Press (March 12, 2019)
Publication Date: March 12, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#5,383 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Read this book. It is incredible. Well written, thoroughly researched and documented, but still extremely readable. Fascinating. Shocking, and not. If you are a woman, or if you care about women, read it. Even if you think you already understand how different the world is for women, you will be surprised.
Tons of facts but nothing boring about it. Most of the information should be in biology textbooks, on the news, and informing public policy in all areas of life. Instead much of it I am hearing for the first time as a middle aged woman. The disproportionate inconvenience, violence and death women face around the globe because women are not consulted or even considered in every area of life! We are not an anomaly or a resource to be exploited. We are an indespensible HALF of the population! Thank you for writing this book!
Her primary care doctor went so far as to tell her more than once, “All your symptoms are in your imagination.â€That happened to my mother, who gained weight despite cutting her caloric intake, to the point that she fainted. In the hospital it was determined her thyroid was not producing sufficient hormones to regulate her weight. These events happened in the early 1990s.How gender bias affects the practice of medicine is revealed in this book. The authors goes into detail to expose the extent to which things we thought were true are in fact not. For example, we are told autism affects boys more than girls. The authors shows us that looking at how girls are socialized better ans earlier helps to disguise autism in girls, so the true prevalence is not known. The author goes into detail about how gynecological problems are misdiagnosed and then mistreated. What woman in the US doesn't have such a story? When I was pregnant with child #1, I vomited to the point where i saw stars—I could hold nothing down. The OB told me it meant I did not want my baby.Read this book. Make sure your doctor is aware that you know about the deep-seated gender bias in the practice of medicine.
I love books which make you look at the world in a total fresh way. This book did that for me. Even though I have moved through this world in a female body my entire life, I was shockingly unaware of many of the gendered bias mentioned in this book because it had always been a part of the world I lived in, and so it felt normal. But once highlighted by the books sharp and well-researched author Caroline Criado Perez, it was like a veil had been lifted. I look at the world through a much different lens, and I am so grateful for Perez's hard work, illuminating examples and wonderful writing which helped bring these ideas to the frontline. Highly highly recommend this book!
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