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Product details
File Size: 366 KB
Print Length: 45 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher:; 1 edition (January 21, 2011)
Publication Date: January 21, 2011
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B00583Z6TO
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#607,313 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Good advice, "The next step in fishkeeping." Takes the hobbyist to an advance level.
Fantastic source of information. Also very scientific. Typographic errors are a huge detriment to what could be a serious textbook.
I learned a lot from this book. It's short, but well written.The transcription seems to have not been QC'd at all. It's got words misspelled, spaces in-between words, and the font size changes +2 in the middle only to revert back a few pages later. Still, the material is useful.All in all I'd say it's overpriced. It's short (It didn't show up as anywhere near 45 pages on my Android phone) and the information is available in a more ledgible fasion online.
The content could be extremely useful, however, the formatting is some of the worst I have seen on Amazon. I feel like its not worth the price, because of the formatting and errors.
It's nt we'll thought out and the last chapter or so is messed up hard to read didn't go into enough food
This reads like a rough draft in need of serious editing. The font goes from normal to extra large in parts of the book with word spacing and broken words throughout. “P ut th e cu lt ure in the j arâ€. Basically it is unreadable.
The book’s errors include, confusing word separation, improper grammar, and an unorganized layout. Though the aforementioned problems exist, I think it contains useful information and shouldn’t be overlooked when preparing to, or culturing various live foods.
Gave me many ideas with information about the method of being able to raise the types of fish food to feed my fish.
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